As Dr. Oz has said before, one key to staying young is to keep your intestines healthy and bowels regular. This takes plenty of fiber—about 25 grams a day. That's about two and a half times more than the average American eats a day. Fiber works by keeping all the nutrients you eat in your intestines and releases them as needed. So how can you increase your intake? Eat more fruits, vegetables and foods rich in whole grains.
An excertp from Dr. Oz's Anti-Aging Checklist
Or....for a hassle free intake, try our 100% natural Phyto Fiber now.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Fill up on Fiber
The ileum is a part of the small bowel that can squeeze, or "brake," to slow the transit of food through the intestines. When that happens, you get a slow but steady supply of fuel, which keeps you feeling satiated. A high-fiber breakfast triggers this mechanism, because the bowel needs more time to absorb nutrients from fiber. The result: No more 11 a.m. stops at the vending machine.
An excerpt by Dr. Oz's...
An excerpt by Dr. Oz's...
Friday, July 3, 2009
When your blood pressure (BP) creeps up, help knock it down with this simple change in diet
When your blood pressure (BP) creeps up, help knock it down with this simple change in diet. Get 20 percent of your daily calories from whole-grain, high-fiber foods instead of refined "white" carbs. It could drop your systolic BP 4 to 8 points and your diastolic BP another 6 to 8 points.
Double TroubleHigh blood pressure and high cholesterol are double trouble. Both put you at risk for cardiovascular disease, and they frequently occur together. If you have borderline high cholesterol (200-239 mg/dL) and prehypertension (120-139/80-89 mm Hg), it's time to take action.
Here's How Fiber HelpsBoth soluble and insoluble fiber (what are those, you say?) were shown to lower blood pressure in middle-aged people with the unfortunate combo of borderline high cholesterol and prehypertension. Soluble fiber does double duty by lowering cholesterol, too.
This article is an excerpt from
Help yourself to both kinds of fiber with Phyto Fiber

Double TroubleHigh blood pressure and high cholesterol are double trouble. Both put you at risk for cardiovascular disease, and they frequently occur together. If you have borderline high cholesterol (200-239 mg/dL) and prehypertension (120-139/80-89 mm Hg), it's time to take action.
Here's How Fiber HelpsBoth soluble and insoluble fiber (what are those, you say?) were shown to lower blood pressure in middle-aged people with the unfortunate combo of borderline high cholesterol and prehypertension. Soluble fiber does double duty by lowering cholesterol, too.
This article is an excerpt from
Help yourself to both kinds of fiber with Phyto Fiber

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
What are the Benefits of Phyto Green?
Here are just a few:
- Increased and Sustained Energy Levels all day long, no more ups and downs (crashes) of energy throughout the day.
- Emulsifies Cholesterol & Fat.
- Strengthens Immune System
- Natural weight loss. Phyto Green can help you lose weight easily by bringing your body back into it natural balance.
- Detoxifies the intestinal tracts and cleans/purifies the colon.
- Helps control hunger as well as cravings. All natural nutrients ensures that you will get 100% absorption, while synthetic and non organic greens will provide 5 – 15% absorption.
- Each serving is 5 – 7 servings of fruits, vegetables and whole foods.
- Neutralizes acidity. Helps with heartburn, acid reflux, and upset stomachs, all of which are caused mainly by over-acidification.
- Aids in efficient and enhanced digestion.
- Improved elimination of bodily wastes.
- Chlorophyll enriched, with fiber-enriched herbs and vegetables, which aids in mental clarity.
- Oxygenates the cells. Help the skin cells to regenerate more efficiently.
- Maximizes blood purification and aids in detoxification.
- Helps dramatically slow the aging processes caused by over-acidification.
- Much Healthier Skin, unhealthy skin is usually due to poor digestion.
- Helps hair and nails strengthen and become healthier.
"This is one of the best products; I personally take it every morning 15 minutes before I eat breakfast. It really is amazing! I guarantee it!"
Saturday, May 9, 2009
My Ideal Blood Pressure
"I was diagnosed with Hypertension by doctor with blood pressure readings at 130/ 89. Now it's down to ideal blood pressure below 120/80. Find out how I did it without medicine in 3 months " - Ken Neoh, May 2009
What blood pressure readings mean
Less than 120 over 80 (120/80):
Your blood pressure reading is ideal and healthy. Follow a healthy lifestyle to keep it at this level.
Between 120 over 80 and 140 over 90 (120/80-140/90): You have a normal blood pressure reading but it is a little higher than it should be, and you should try to lower it. Make healthy changes to your lifestyle.
140 over 90 (140/90) or higher (over a number of weeks): You may have high blood pressure (hypertension). Change your lifestyle - see your doctor or nurse and take any medicines they may give you.
Normal blood pressure is having a blood pressure reading that is above 120 over 80(120/80), but below 140 over 90 (140/90). If your blood pressure is within this range, you should be taking steps to bring it down, or to stop it rising any further.
I have been prescribed by doctor during an annual medical examination that I am having a hypertension with blood pressure shooting up more than 130/ 89. This is mostly due to my stressful manufacturing life in an Multinational Electronic Manufacturing Solution company and regular outside food intake at the commonly MSG tainted restaurants in Shenzhen.
Soon, I have been taking Phyto Green consistently for 3 months, and as a result, my current blood pressure reading is consistently below 120/80 which is the most ideal blood pressure range. Today, on May 10th 2009, I measured again and my result is 114/69. Hooray!!!!
Click here to order now
What blood pressure readings mean
Less than 120 over 80 (120/80):
Your blood pressure reading is ideal and healthy. Follow a healthy lifestyle to keep it at this level.
Between 120 over 80 and 140 over 90 (120/80-140/90): You have a normal blood pressure reading but it is a little higher than it should be, and you should try to lower it. Make healthy changes to your lifestyle.
140 over 90 (140/90) or higher (over a number of weeks): You may have high blood pressure (hypertension). Change your lifestyle - see your doctor or nurse and take any medicines they may give you.
Normal blood pressure is having a blood pressure reading that is above 120 over 80(120/80), but below 140 over 90 (140/90). If your blood pressure is within this range, you should be taking steps to bring it down, or to stop it rising any further.
I have been prescribed by doctor during an annual medical examination that I am having a hypertension with blood pressure shooting up more than 130/ 89. This is mostly due to my stressful manufacturing life in an Multinational Electronic Manufacturing Solution company and regular outside food intake at the commonly MSG tainted restaurants in Shenzhen.
Soon, I have been taking Phyto Green consistently for 3 months, and as a result, my current blood pressure reading is consistently below 120/80 which is the most ideal blood pressure range. Today, on May 10th 2009, I measured again and my result is 114/69. Hooray!!!!
Ken Neoh
Click here to order now
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Sweep your arteries clear... so you never again have to worry about unhealthy cholesterol... blood pressure... or a heart disaster!
Thousands of People Have Already Used a New Solution That's Helping Clear their Arteries... Letting them Say Goodbye to Cholesterol and Blood Pressure Problems... and Supercharging their Health... Now You Can Too with PHHP Phyto-Fiber.

Thousands of People Have Already Used a New Solution That's Helping Clear their Arteries... Letting them Say Goodbye to Cholesterol and Blood Pressure Problems... and Supercharging their Health... Now You Can Too with PHHP Phyto-Fiber.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Stay Healthy: 9 Flu Prevention Tips
Influenza (or flu) is an infection of the lungs and airways causing a fever, sore throat, cough, runny nose, headache, and muscle aches. Every year, in different countries in the world, widespread outbreaks of influenza occur during the flu season, which typically runs from late-November to March. Those who have had flu even once, know that it is better to prevent the disease rather than treat it.The following simple tips will help you stay healthy this season:
1. Raw garlic. Garlic is one of the best natural remedies for flu prevention. It kills viruses responsible for colds and the flu, according to tests by a microbiologist at Brigham Young University. You can simply chew chive garlic and you even don't need to swallow it.
2. Drink plenty of fluids. Drinking plenty of water will keep you well hydrated. Proper hydration is essential for strong immune system and overall health. Water is the best, however water with lemon juice sweetened with honey, green tea, herbal tea, or fresh sugar-free juices are also good choices. How to know if you are getting enough of fluids? If the color of your urine is close to clear, you're getting enough. If it's deep yellow, you need more fluids.
3. Stop Smoking. This is the hardest tip to implement, but if you are a smoker and want to protect yourself from the flu - break off your habit. Commonplace advice you hear many times, isn't it? However, an increase in influenza infections among smokers compared to nonsmokers is proven by research studies.
4. Fruits and vegetables. Remember to eat the recommended 5-9 servings per day of fruits and vegetables. Apples have anti-viral properties and are great preventive remedy against flu.
5. Room ventilation. Proper ventilation significantly reduces the concentration of pathogenic bacteria and viruses in the air. Opening windows is an easy and extremely effective natural ventilation technique.
6. Keep the distance. To reduce your chances of infection develop the habit of keeping a distance (about six feet), if possible, between yourself and others during flu epidemic.
7. Hand washing. Human influenza viruses can survive on surfaces up to 48 hours. Washing your hands often for 15-20 seconds with warm water and soap will help protect you from germs.
8. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. A hackneyed tip, but a number of people neglect this well-known simple advice. The eyes, nose and mouth are entry ports for flu viruses. Rubbing your eyes, nose, or mouth is a sure-fire way to get the flu.
9. Flu vaccination is pretty common sense, however to complete the list it was added.
The above article is shared by
At the same time, do consume Phyto-Fiber and Phyto-Green regularly as this has been proven to increase the body immune system and fight against viruses.

1. Raw garlic. Garlic is one of the best natural remedies for flu prevention. It kills viruses responsible for colds and the flu, according to tests by a microbiologist at Brigham Young University. You can simply chew chive garlic and you even don't need to swallow it.
2. Drink plenty of fluids. Drinking plenty of water will keep you well hydrated. Proper hydration is essential for strong immune system and overall health. Water is the best, however water with lemon juice sweetened with honey, green tea, herbal tea, or fresh sugar-free juices are also good choices. How to know if you are getting enough of fluids? If the color of your urine is close to clear, you're getting enough. If it's deep yellow, you need more fluids.
3. Stop Smoking. This is the hardest tip to implement, but if you are a smoker and want to protect yourself from the flu - break off your habit. Commonplace advice you hear many times, isn't it? However, an increase in influenza infections among smokers compared to nonsmokers is proven by research studies.
4. Fruits and vegetables. Remember to eat the recommended 5-9 servings per day of fruits and vegetables. Apples have anti-viral properties and are great preventive remedy against flu.
5. Room ventilation. Proper ventilation significantly reduces the concentration of pathogenic bacteria and viruses in the air. Opening windows is an easy and extremely effective natural ventilation technique.
6. Keep the distance. To reduce your chances of infection develop the habit of keeping a distance (about six feet), if possible, between yourself and others during flu epidemic.
7. Hand washing. Human influenza viruses can survive on surfaces up to 48 hours. Washing your hands often for 15-20 seconds with warm water and soap will help protect you from germs.
8. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. A hackneyed tip, but a number of people neglect this well-known simple advice. The eyes, nose and mouth are entry ports for flu viruses. Rubbing your eyes, nose, or mouth is a sure-fire way to get the flu.
9. Flu vaccination is pretty common sense, however to complete the list it was added.
The above article is shared by
At the same time, do consume Phyto-Fiber and Phyto-Green regularly as this has been proven to increase the body immune system and fight against viruses.

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Lose weight, Health Ministry staff told
Published: Sunday April 12, 2009 MYT 3:37:00 PM
Lose weight, Health Ministry staff told
PUTRAJAYA: The Health Ministry has issued its staff with a warning - shape up and lose weight.
Concerned with the rising cases of obesity, the ministry wants its staff to check their weight and has warned them against the dangers of obesity.
Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said he was concerned with the escalating number of obese people in the country, referring to the condition as an “entry point to all sicknesses.”
“This is serious. Obesity among ministry staff is high, more or less the same as the rakyat (where an estimated 60% of the population is obese)” he told reporters on Sunday after visiting the section of Putrajaya Hospital which was damaged in a fire on Saturday evening.
“I have given instructions for staff who have weight problem to reduce weight. They must measure their BMI (body mass index) and come up with their own plan (to reduce weight).
“They have to shed some fat. They have to shape up.”
He said an obese person was susceptible to various illnesses, including diabetes and high blood pressure adding this could be avoided if one could maintained their ideal weight.
“I have directed that the nutritional and food safety departments be strengthened to ensure preventive measures we take will be supported and implemented by staff,” he said.
On key performance indicators (KPI), Liow said MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat had directed all ministers and deputy ministers from the party to submit their respective ministries’ KPI and so they could be closely monitored.
“Prime Minister (Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak) will monitor us and the party (MCA) will also monitor us,” he said.
He added the ministry had implemented the KPI earlier and he monitors his staff, secretary-general and all department heads.
Lose weight, Health Ministry staff told
PUTRAJAYA: The Health Ministry has issued its staff with a warning - shape up and lose weight.
Concerned with the rising cases of obesity, the ministry wants its staff to check their weight and has warned them against the dangers of obesity.
Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said he was concerned with the escalating number of obese people in the country, referring to the condition as an “entry point to all sicknesses.”
“This is serious. Obesity among ministry staff is high, more or less the same as the rakyat (where an estimated 60% of the population is obese)” he told reporters on Sunday after visiting the section of Putrajaya Hospital which was damaged in a fire on Saturday evening.
“I have given instructions for staff who have weight problem to reduce weight. They must measure their BMI (body mass index) and come up with their own plan (to reduce weight).
“They have to shed some fat. They have to shape up.”
He said an obese person was susceptible to various illnesses, including diabetes and high blood pressure adding this could be avoided if one could maintained their ideal weight.
“I have directed that the nutritional and food safety departments be strengthened to ensure preventive measures we take will be supported and implemented by staff,” he said.
On key performance indicators (KPI), Liow said MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat had directed all ministers and deputy ministers from the party to submit their respective ministries’ KPI and so they could be closely monitored.
“Prime Minister (Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak) will monitor us and the party (MCA) will also monitor us,” he said.
He added the ministry had implemented the KPI earlier and he monitors his staff, secretary-general and all department heads.
Monday, March 16, 2009
14% of Malaysians obese
Source: June Ramli
Mon: 2009/03/16
THE unhealthy lifestyle carried out by Malaysians have led to an increase of obesity in the last 10 years. Health Minister Datuk Liow Tiong Lai said the obesity level among Malaysians had increased from 4.4 per cent in 1996 to 14 per cent in 2006.
The number of overweight Malaysians are also on the rise from 16.6 per cent in 1996 to 29.1 per cent in 2006, the House was told today. "With an increase of 10 percent in obesity, we must emphasise on living a healthy lifestyle and eating healthily," he said.
Liow was replying to Manogaran Marimuthu (DAP-Teluk Intan) who asked the Minister on whether there were plans to encourage the public to eat vegetables and reduce or avoid meat as it is not suitable for human consumption from the health, ethnic and scientific aspects.
On encouraging Malaysians to eat more vegetables in comparison to meat, Liow said that this was an ongoing effort done by the Ministry. However, he said the Ministry does not plan to carry out similar programme in the United States that encourages its citizens to eat more vegetables than meat.

Mon: 2009/03/16
THE unhealthy lifestyle carried out by Malaysians have led to an increase of obesity in the last 10 years. Health Minister Datuk Liow Tiong Lai said the obesity level among Malaysians had increased from 4.4 per cent in 1996 to 14 per cent in 2006.
The number of overweight Malaysians are also on the rise from 16.6 per cent in 1996 to 29.1 per cent in 2006, the House was told today. "With an increase of 10 percent in obesity, we must emphasise on living a healthy lifestyle and eating healthily," he said.
Liow was replying to Manogaran Marimuthu (DAP-Teluk Intan) who asked the Minister on whether there were plans to encourage the public to eat vegetables and reduce or avoid meat as it is not suitable for human consumption from the health, ethnic and scientific aspects.
On encouraging Malaysians to eat more vegetables in comparison to meat, Liow said that this was an ongoing effort done by the Ministry. However, he said the Ministry does not plan to carry out similar programme in the United States that encourages its citizens to eat more vegetables than meat.

Friday, March 13, 2009
Magical Glowing Beautiful Smooth Skin in 20 minutes
I had dehydration last few days, and skin became dry and cracked. So last 2 night, use the Phyto-Green to do mask, and the result is very very good.
See here:






See here:
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Our Consultants
In order to facilitate you, we have listed out all our consultants contact here so that you may get a more personalised service from us, in order to help you efficiently :
Ipoh, Malaysia : Ms. Yvonne - email :
Penang, Malaysia : Ms. Jolene - email :
Melaka, Malaysia : Mr. Wong - email :
Shenzhen City, China : Miss Tan - email :
Shenzhen City, NanShan Area, China : Ms. Tina - email :
Dongguan City, ChangPing Town, China : Mr. Looi - email :
Dongguan City, ZhangMuTou Town, China : Ms. Tracy - mobile : 13926858307
Ipoh, Malaysia : Ms. Yvonne - email :
Penang, Malaysia : Ms. Jolene - email :
Melaka, Malaysia : Mr. Wong - email :
Shenzhen City, China : Miss Tan - email :
Shenzhen City, NanShan Area, China : Ms. Tina - email :
Dongguan City, ChangPing Town, China : Mr. Looi - email :
Dongguan City, ZhangMuTou Town, China : Ms. Tracy - mobile : 13926858307
Monday, February 23, 2009

Its not just about sliming but then your regular intake of Phyto-Green & Fiber helps
-to help eliminate the toxins out of our body,
-activate the body cells so as to strengthen our immunity,
-facilitate metabolism as well as our body cells healthier.
For children, its helps improve their bad nutrition, healthy development, and increase their vitality.
For youths, it helps eliminate the toxic cells from their bodies and provide essential nutrition to normalize their body function.
For old ladies and gentlemen, it helps balance the value of blood sugar in their bodies and strengthens their immunity.
-it helps the growth of our body and the functions of our retina. In addition, it helps to facilitate our skin health
-Regulate and control the metabolism, the palpitation, the body temperature and the nervous and reproduction system.
-Regulate the body weight.
-Remove the toxins such as heavy metal like mercury, cadmium, plutonium and caesium from the body.
-Like an anti-inflammatory, relieve the pain of scalds and wounds.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
This plan has been proven by our Crown Presidents too :

From left to right : Mitchell Tan Sok Neam, Yong Sui Thing, Elaine Chong, CP Ooi Siew Choo.
Try out this 2 weeks plan and you will see the result definitely :
Nutritional Program/ 营养餐表
Breakfast/ 早餐100 -150 ml of low fat milk shake with 2 sachets of PhytoGreens.
100 -150 ml 的低脂肪牛奶加2小包长春绿宝灵
Lunch/ 午餐
1 sachet of PhytoFiber ( light or no meal )
1 小包长春高纤素(轻餐/ 无)
Dinner/ 晚餐
80% vegetable and fruits
20% meat or fish
80% 高纤维的食物如水果,蔬菜,豆类
20% 肉类食物。。。。。。。。。。
2 weeks Package/ 2个星期配套
1box PhytoFiber/1 盒长春高纤素
2 boxes PhytoGreens/ 2 盒长春绿宝灵
1 bottle AloeVeraJuice/ 1 瓶芦荟汁
( Drink any time60 ml / 任何时候都可喝-60 ml)

From left to right : Mitchell Tan Sok Neam, Yong Sui Thing, Elaine Chong, CP Ooi Siew Choo.
Try out this 2 weeks plan and you will see the result definitely :
Nutritional Program/ 营养餐表
Breakfast/ 早餐100 -150 ml of low fat milk shake with 2 sachets of PhytoGreens.
100 -150 ml 的低脂肪牛奶加2小包长春绿宝灵
Lunch/ 午餐
1 sachet of PhytoFiber ( light or no meal )
1 小包长春高纤素(轻餐/ 无)
Dinner/ 晚餐
80% vegetable and fruits
20% meat or fish
80% 高纤维的食物如水果,蔬菜,豆类
20% 肉类食物。。。。。。。。。。
2 weeks Package/ 2个星期配套
1box PhytoFiber/1 盒长春高纤素
2 boxes PhytoGreens/ 2 盒长春绿宝灵
1 bottle AloeVeraJuice/ 1 瓶芦荟汁
( Drink any time60 ml / 任何时候都可喝-60 ml)
Monday, February 16, 2009
I had asked my granny to take it (Phyto Fiber) as she has constipation issue like myself. So far, it has been proven to be working well! :-)
Penang, Malaysia
Penang, Malaysia
Sunday, February 15, 2009
New Mommy
i m taking Phyto-Fiber. works good for me. i loose 2 kg in 3 - 4 weeks. still taking it. wearing clothes has definitely loosen!!!
New Mommy
Quoted in
i m taking Phyto-Fiber. works good for me. i loose 2 kg in 3 - 4 weeks. still taking it. wearing clothes has definitely loosen!!!
New Mommy
Quoted in
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I tried Phyto Fiber which is introduced by one of my friends around 2 month before. At that time, I did not expect it may change something for me. But in fact, after I took 5 bags Phyto Fiber. I feel on my stomach much better than before. Since I didn’t take any medicine during that time, I believe that it’s the contribution of Phyto Fiber. Now, I’m still taking the Phyto Fiber every one day or two days…
Shenzhen, China
Shenzhen, China
Monday, February 9, 2009
haha.. this morning i go buy Chee Cheong Fun (豬腸粉). It has been 2 - 3 months since i visit the stall. The lady was shock to see me and ask "u give birth already ka"
then i say my baby 5 mths old loh.
"hah, last few months i thought u was still pregnant.." what she means is that my tummy still big like 3-4 mths pregnant even after give birth !!!
seems like the Phyto fiber is working !!
i told her i took the Phyto Fiber.. but i'm late for work and she also got customer so our conversation interupted. will go to see the lady and recommend to her later..
Yvonne, Ipoh, Malaysia
then i say my baby 5 mths old loh.
"hah, last few months i thought u was still pregnant.." what she means is that my tummy still big like 3-4 mths pregnant even after give birth !!!
seems like the Phyto fiber is working !!
i told her i took the Phyto Fiber.. but i'm late for work and she also got customer so our conversation interupted. will go to see the lady and recommend to her later..
Yvonne, Ipoh, Malaysia
Haha.. good news.. i took the phyto fiber just for 5 days.. i can wear back a pants i bought before my pregnancy... hehe.. tummy smaller.. last time cannot zip now can already
Yvonne, Ipoh, Malaysia
Yvonne, Ipoh, Malaysia

Sunday, February 8, 2009
Took my 1st fiber drink last night & seems to work miraculously. Sshhhh….Just came out from washroom! Hihihi
Had my ‘green drink’ this morning too!
Best Regards,
Jolene, Penang, Malaysia
Had my ‘green drink’ this morning too!
Best Regards,
Jolene, Penang, Malaysia

Saturday, February 7, 2009
My poor eating habits stuck with me since I entered university. The situation was even getting worst as I start working. Thus, I always complaint about my tummy bulging, but I didn’t really work it out except trying a lot of different slimming pills or products. I always gave myself a lot of excuses and didn’t really try to understand what my body really needs.
My situation was getting worse as I start to have constipation, flu, and migraine and so on. I know that my health start alarming and I need to start to work out something before it is getting worse and worse. After discussed with my fiancée (at that time, and now he is my husband), I decided stop my job temporary and trying to seek for a solution for myself. I tried to increase my fresh fruits and vegetable intake and more exercises, but after a month, I found that it doesn’t seem to be work. For some reason, I went back to my hometown complaining all these to my mum and she introduces me a supplementary food- fiber.

The next morning after I took the Phyto fiber, my stomach was grumbling which I had never felt like this before. Immediately, I rush to the toilet. The whole process was so smooth and it’s really surprising me! I never realize that there are so much wastes inside my body.
After a month, I can feel that my health condition improved. Whereby, my flu condition became better, no more migraine and constipation. Meanwhile I still continue taking this product, exercises at least 3 times per week and each time 15~20 minutes. After 3 months I started to feel that my pants was getting loosen. Surprisingly I found myself loosing 5 kg. And during my wedding day (one of the most important event to a woman), I totally lost 8 kg and I felt more confident.
And till now I total lost 10 kg. My BMI from 26.9 decreased to 22.9.

Now instead of wearing Big-T I wear baby-T as normally what gal wear, instead of wearing ¾ pants I wear shorts. Thanks to this Phyto Fiber for giving me back health and confident.
CY, Shenzhen, China
My situation was getting worse as I start to have constipation, flu, and migraine and so on. I know that my health start alarming and I need to start to work out something before it is getting worse and worse. After discussed with my fiancée (at that time, and now he is my husband), I decided stop my job temporary and trying to seek for a solution for myself. I tried to increase my fresh fruits and vegetable intake and more exercises, but after a month, I found that it doesn’t seem to be work. For some reason, I went back to my hometown complaining all these to my mum and she introduces me a supplementary food- fiber.

The next morning after I took the Phyto fiber, my stomach was grumbling which I had never felt like this before. Immediately, I rush to the toilet. The whole process was so smooth and it’s really surprising me! I never realize that there are so much wastes inside my body.
After a month, I can feel that my health condition improved. Whereby, my flu condition became better, no more migraine and constipation. Meanwhile I still continue taking this product, exercises at least 3 times per week and each time 15~20 minutes. After 3 months I started to feel that my pants was getting loosen. Surprisingly I found myself loosing 5 kg. And during my wedding day (one of the most important event to a woman), I totally lost 8 kg and I felt more confident.
And till now I total lost 10 kg. My BMI from 26.9 decreased to 22.9.

Now instead of wearing Big-T I wear baby-T as normally what gal wear, instead of wearing ¾ pants I wear shorts. Thanks to this Phyto Fiber for giving me back health and confident.
CY, Shenzhen, China
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